Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Poll Results

Results are in, and apparently I'm supposed to make a new blog about it.  (Thanks for the info, Kryn, I had no idea!)
Wow, I'm surprised so many people voted for Education! Actually I'm not, but I'm pretty sure you all only voted for that one cuz I'm a teacher and it seems like a logical step.
In reality, one reason I'm thinking of getting my master's is so I have something to do if I decide not to teach for the rest of my life.
I've been contemplating speech language pathology, but really ears interest me more than swallowing and stutters. Being an SLP would be cool, though.
I'm surprised no one chose Math, even as a joke.
I keep going back to linguistics myself, though. I really like the study of language and how language develops. The big question, however, is what do I do with a master's in linguistics?

Monday, April 13, 2009

What finger?

I guess this is what we get for asking a random stranger to take a picture for us.
Anyway, I went to Moab this last weekend and had a swell time with Aubree, Jeanette, Martin (the one Kindy went out with), and his friend, Jana.  Fortunately, this is the only interesting picture I will be posting from this trip!  The girl in the middle (black shirt) took the beating for me...  She fell off her bike right at the beginning of the ride and scraped her knee up a bit and possibly sprained her toe, then just shortly after this picture was taken her front wheel fell off and she ate it again, getting a huge bump and bruise on her hand, other leg, and knee... I'm just glad I'm not the one who put her wheel on after taking it out of the car.  We won't say who the guilty party was though, in case he ever decides to read my blog.  :)
Anyway, the trip was fun.  It was the same weekend of Jeep Safari, so we got to see a bunch of jeep-crawling too which is always fun to watch.  Not as much prime people watching as last time I was down there at this time but it was still interesting.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


So I've been thinking that I should start thinking about continuing my education to get a master's degree.  After all, a master's is the new bachelor's, am I right?
Now I just have to decide what to major in, so I'm asking you.  I'm pretty sure I already know what the results of the poll will be, but I thought I'd see if you have anything more to add, like what KIND of math.  (I hear there are different types...)