Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Poll Results

Results are in, and apparently I'm supposed to make a new blog about it.  (Thanks for the info, Kryn, I had no idea!)
Wow, I'm surprised so many people voted for Education! Actually I'm not, but I'm pretty sure you all only voted for that one cuz I'm a teacher and it seems like a logical step.
In reality, one reason I'm thinking of getting my master's is so I have something to do if I decide not to teach for the rest of my life.
I've been contemplating speech language pathology, but really ears interest me more than swallowing and stutters. Being an SLP would be cool, though.
I'm surprised no one chose Math, even as a joke.
I keep going back to linguistics myself, though. I really like the study of language and how language develops. The big question, however, is what do I do with a master's in linguistics?


  1. That big question is a really good, big question! :)

  2. Whatever you decide to do I am sure you will do just great at it! :)

  3. Linguistics is an awesome field. It's not easy, but you would be awesome if you did it. Because linguistics is awesome.

  4. You know, this was all a ruse so that I could gloat, since i stacked education (voting on several computers at BYU).

    But it has all been so drawn out, the victory has gotten stale. Without fresh victory, I perceive that people might not be impressed with my commitment to this particular nefarious cause.
