I just now realized I never posted this... It's cuz I wasn't able to e-mail the pics to myself like I normally do in order to save them on my computer and then load them on here. That's the primitive process those of us without real cameras have to go through in order to post pictures online.
Tonight I went ice skating. Normally I get hockey skates but the ones they gave me were not fitting right and were absolutely killing my ankle, so I got figure skates instead.
As I was putting my figure skates on, the friend I went with was saying how the toe pick was going to get me and when it did he was going to skate right by, laugh, and say "Toe pick!" In a high-pitched "Cutting Edge" voice.
I was doing very well, I must say, but he gave me some grief about some close calls with a couple of 5-year-olds saying how I was trying to body-check them. So (to be funny) I started skating really fast right towards this little girl who was probably right around 5 years old, hunched down like I was going to take her out with a shoulder, but then went around her at a reasonably safe distance. (Just so you people with kids know, her mom was right there and she didn't even suspect anything... That's how far away from actually hitting her I was)
Anyway... I went around her, but then while doing a little cross-over to round the corner, sure enough, that stupid toe pick on my left (back) foot caught the ice and pulled me down.
So now you have to put all the pieces together.
Accelerated speed + cross-over + toe pick = incredibly awkward fall.
I really wish I could've seen it. At any rate, I got the wind knocked out of me a little bit, got a huge bump/bruise on my right knee, scraped my left hip, and totally slid a few feet Superman style.
And yes, my friend kept his word about mocking me, but only after making sure I was actually ok.
Anyway, like I said, I haven't been able to e-mail my pictures, so you're just going to have to use your imagination. It was a very colorful bruise.