Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hike, Take II - With Pictures This Time

So last time Randy, Spencer, and I tried to hike to Doughnut Falls, we didn't actually make it all the way to the falls because we had Lola with us and she was, well... BeIng a less-Than-Cooperative Handful. :)

This time around, I got a picture of the boy for you guys. Sorry it's not better quality.

Randy and Spencer at the falls.

After our hike, Randy decided to vacuum his house. After emptying enough hair out of the cylinder to make at least two more small dogs, he decided to go directly to the source of the problem and vacuum Lola as well.


  1. Spencer's a cute boy... I relate to the battle with dog hair. I vacuum up enough dog hair to make a couple of small dogs, too. Spiche isn't too keen on vacuuming HER, though...

    July 26, 2009 7:29 PM

  2. I was thinking the same thing as mom, spiche hates being vacuumed! It's like she doesn't understand the purpose or something. Anyways, nice pictures. Spencer seems pleasant, and Lola's ears are inside out.
